Next week we join together, on a live Stream, with all the schools in the Diocese of Birmingham to celebrate the launch of the Year of Jubilee “Pilgrims of Hope”.
During this year we are called to bring HOPE. Our children want to kick start the journey by asking for donations for the Food Bank on Friday 25th January. Please see the list below of what the food bank are looking for and bring in items to class teachers. This act of kindness will bring immediate HOPE to families in Coventry. Thank you in anticipation of your support!
Pope Francis has called the global Church to celebrate the Jubilee together, with deep faith,
lively hope, and active charity. Our scripture for Launch Day will be the Gospel reading for the
Sunday, from Luke 4, where Jesus makes it clear that his mission is to bring the justice and freedom
of the Jubilee. Inspired by his example, we can share in his mission to create a world of justice,
peace and love. In this very special year, we are all invited to journey together as pilgrims of
hope, putting faith into action to build a better world for everyone.