We are committed to providing a first class education where our children will grow to be independent, successful and confident young people, who have high aspirations. We offer provision from Reception to Year 6 we aim to ensure that each individual who enters our school is treated with respect and compassion. It is our aim to work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure the best possible start in life for our children.
As well as striving for excellence in academic standards we believe passionately in educating the ‘whole’ child; by nurturing and developing each individual’s God given talents. Through our broad and balanced curriculum we are committed to developing happy, confident and articulate children who embrace a love of learning in this ever changing world.
Through our RE curriculum and Sacramental preparation we guide children on their journey of faith. Each year group follows lessons planned from the Diocesan programme ‘Learning and Growing as God’s People’. Children take part in collective worship and regular Mission assemblies, as well as celebrating Mass at Church.
In Year 3 children prepare to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion, and in year 6 children are prepared to take the Sacrament of Confirmation as they become young adults.
Academic excellence for all our children is one of our goals but we also nurture those special God given gifts which make your child unique.
We want our children to leave St John Fisher School as resilient, independent thinkers who are ready to make a positive difference in our world. Our clear aim is to ensure that each individual child our school ready for their next step in their learning journey. We want our children to apply themselves in secondary school and to use their skills and God given talents to be the best they can be.
We know that we can only do this by working in true partnership with parents. St John Fisher is very well supported by our Parish Priest – Father Des, our families and by the Parish community. Together we can ensure that St John Fisher remains a very special place.
Through Christ we live, love and learn in our caring community.
To provide a community spirit in which children are safe, happy and made to feel welcome and valued, conscious of their own worth as individuals.
To care for, and to serve those, who have particular needs both within our school and those who are outside it.
To affirm the value and equality of children of all abilities and to foster the talents of the whole school community.
To continually strive for excellence in teaching and to offer challenge leading to the highest standards of personal achievement for all.
To organise our school and its curriculum in such a way as to reveal our commitment to building a community of Christ.
To encourage a spirit of co-operation and friendship among our pupils which will lead to a mutual understanding and respect for all people.
To prepare children to be fully aware of the needs of others, so that each child may learn to live as a member of God’s family worldwide, and at peace in a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society.
To work in partnership with parents, to involve and inform them, and welcome them to share in the school’s liturgy and prayer life.
To work closely with our Local Academy Committee Members, parish and members of the wider local community.