Our whole school attendance target is 97%
Education is the key to your child’s future and working together we all ensure that they have the best possible outcomes.
How does your child compare?
Attendance during one school year | Equals this number of days absent | Which is approximately this many weeks absent | Which means up to this number of lessons missed |
95% | 9 days | 2 weeks | 50 lessons |
90% | 19 days | 4 weeks | 100 lessons |
85% | 29 days | 6 weeks | 150 lessons |
80% | 38 days | 8 weeks | 200 lessons |
If your child is absent from school, then you are required to phone in each and every day which they are off. As part of our Romero Attendance Policy, Sharon Feeney – Family Support & Attendance Worker, will be conducting home visits to all children if they are off for 3 consecutive days or more or if your child’s attendance is sporadic. If you are not in, then we will leave a “calling card” and it is expected that you call them back.
Lateness – Not only does lateness make a bad start to the day, arrival after 9:30am is considered half a day’s absence. All lateness/attendance is recorded and monitored by the school and the Family Support & Attendance Worker.
Medical appointments – Medical/dental appointments are recorded as an absence so still affect your child’s attendance record if they are not present for registration. These appointments must be supported by evidence which should be provided to the school office. Please make medical appointments after school whenever possible.
Requests of absence – You must complete a leave of absence form if you intend to take your child out of school, this should be completed and handed back in advance. Absences will only be authorised if there are exceptional circumstances, you should consider the impact on your child’s education before taking them out of school.
Please be aware that it is your legal responsibility to ensure that your child attends school, you can be fined if they are off without the principals authorisation, which would be £60 per child per parent, which rises to £120 each if you do not pay within 21 days.
You can be fined for taking your child on holiday during term time without the school’s permission.
Our School Day
The doors open at 8.45am for the children to come into school and registration is at 8.55am. School finishes at 3.15pm.
Morning Break
Children in years 1 to 6 have a morning break from 10.30 – 10.45 am.
Reception children have breaks throughout the school day.
Children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 have lunch at 12.00am – 1.00pm. Y3 – Y6 children begin their break at 12.10 – 1.10pm.
Drop-off and collection
At the beginning and end of the school day, parents are encouraged into the playground. This helps to build up a close relationship between home and school – we want to have good links with all parents. If normal arrangements have to be altered (eg. you are delayed or another person is collecting your child) please let us know. This avoids any confusion or upset.
Getting to school
To get to and from school, walking is definitely the best option! There are lots of benefits: it’s healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users, and it respects nearby residents and parking regulations. Alternatively, we have bike-racks. If you do need to travel by car, please park wisely.
Please see our Attendance Policy
TRCA-Attendance-Punctuality-Exceptional-Leave-1-5.pdf (st-johnfisher.coventry.sch.uk)