Our Journey of Faith
To view our latest R.E inspection click here
Our Mission Statement is ‘Through Christ we live, love and learn in our caring community’
Our Aims Are:
- Provide a community spirit in which children are safe, happy and made to feel welcome and valued, conscious of their own worth as individuals.
- Continually strive for excellence in teaching and to offer challenge leading to the highest standards of personal achievement for all
- Prepare children to be fully aware of the needs of others, so that each child may learn to live as a member of God’s family world- wide, and at peace in a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society
- Encourage a spirit of co-operation and friendship among our pupils which will lead to a mutual understanding and respect for all people
- Affirm the value and equality of children of all abilities and to foster the talents of the whole school community
- Care for, and to serve those, who have particular needs both within our school and those who are outside it
- Organise our school and its curriculum in such a way as to reveal our commitment to building a community of Christ
- Work in partnership with parents, to involve and inform them, and welcome them to share in the school’s liturgy and prayer life
- Work closely with our Local Academy Committee Members, parish and members of the wider local community
Reflecting our Values
The school aims to provide excellence in education and to ensure that children develop a love of learning, and grow emotionally,
intellectually and academically. In this respect our identity is strongly linked to Saint John Fisher, who it could be said embodied these values. Saint John Fisher was an English Catholic bishop and theologian. He was a man of learning, associated with the intellectuals and political leaders of his day, and eventually became Chancellor of the University of Cambridge.