At St. John Fisher Catholic Primary School, our Music curriculum intends to develop pupils’ personal creativity, understanding and enjoyment of music through listening, singing, playing, analysis and composing across a wide variety of genres and styles. Learning is carefully sequenced and mapped to build progressively over time and incorporates every child learning to play a tuned musical instrument. Our aim is to foster a life-long love of music in its various forms and provide opportunities for pupils to develop and express their own musical talents.
We embrace the notion from the National Curriculum that “Music is a universal language that embodies the highest form of creativity”.
We provide a wide array of wider opportunities as part of our enrichment and personal development through music and view this as an integral part of children embracing the transformational power music offers as channel to discover their God-given talents.
Our music curriculum is centred around the ‘Charanga’ music scheme. The music scheme covers all National Curriculum requirements and ensures pupils sing, listen, play, perform, compose and evaluate. This is embedded in classroom music lessons as well as twice weekly assemblies, weekly singing practises, various concerts and performances and the wider curriculum offer.
The elements of music are taught in lessons so that pupils are able to use some of the language of music to discuss it, and understand how it is made, played, appreciated and analysed. In the classroom, pupils learn how to play a variety of tuned and untuned instruments and in Key Stage 2 receive high quality Ukulele lessons from an in house Music Specialist. In doing so, they develop their understanding of creating notes, as well as how to read basic music notation. They also learn how to compose, focussing on the different dimensions of music, which in turn underpins their understanding when listening, playing, or analysing music.
The Charanga Scheme also includes composing and performing using body percussion, vocal sounds and technology such as ‘Garage Band’, which further develops the understanding of musical elements.
Our wider curriculum offer, allows pupils to develop personal interests in guitar, drums, Ukulele and piano, and access to concerts and performances at venues such as the Royal Albert Hall and the Belgrade Theatre, developing pupils cultural capital.
Whilst in school, pupils have access to a varied music curriculum, which allows pupils to discover areas of personal talent, enjoyment and self-expression. Through music lessons and our wider curriculum offer pupils develop a sense of achievement and self-confidence.
Music will also develop an understanding of culture and history through exposure to a wide range of musical styles, genres and composers. Pupils are able to enjoy music as a listener, creator and performer. They can analyse music and discuss their own understanding using appropriate musical vocabulary. They can sing and feel a pulse. Pupils will be inspired to pursue their own musical talents and interests as they enter the next Key Stage.