Our PSHE education programme is designed to empower our pupils with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to make informed decisions, build positive relationships, and lead healthy and fulfilling lives. It provides plentiful opportunities to voice opinions and clarify understanding, encouraging openness within discussion which contributes to the personal development of each child. The range of aims and activities covered also help our children to appreciate the diverse communities in which we live contributing to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
At St. John Fisher Catholic Primary School, our intent is to provide a comprehensive and high-quality Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education that enables our pupils to become responsible and well-rounded citizens.
St John Fisher also has dedicated staff responsible for the pastoral care of our children, who liaise with staff and external agencies to ensure the well-being of our children is prioritised at all times.
Our PSHE education programme at St. John Fisher Catholic Primary School is carefully designed and aims to cover all statutory requirements outlined in Statutory Government Guidance.
As a Catholic school, our Relationships and Sex Education curriculum is delivered through the ‘Ten-Ten’ programme, including accordance with the Church’s moral teaching.
Using a thematic approach, different year groups will work on the same themes at the same time (Relationships, Living in the Wider World and Health & Well-being) offering staff flexibility to meet planning requirements, the needs of their cohort and reflect the context of the school and local community. This approach also ensures a progressive curriculum is in place, so the children are continually building on their prior knowledge as they move through our schools. Lesson plans also outline areas in which PSHE complements other national curriculum subjects and includes links to British Values allowing them to be seamlessly integrated into teaching.
We aim to ensure that all pupils:
PSHE at St. John Fisher Catholic Primary School has a significant impact on our pupils, both in terms of their personal development and academic performance We believe our children will: